We are not expecting you to be your child's teacher.
We are supporting you to help your child
become an independent learner.
- Activities for the early years of school assume children are being partnered face to face by an older person.
- At times all learners are likely to need help.
- Generally speaking the best help is asking questions rather than telling answers.
- A good starting question is often something like Can you tell me (show me) how you did that? and then building on the response.
- Each activity or investigation has such questions built in and links to further discussion and answers.
- Children might use digital technology to work remotely with a partner.
- At times, learners will need 'stuff' from around the house - scissors, dice, playing cards, assorted objects.
- Collecting coloured plastic screw caps of various sizes - for example from milk, water, fruit and soft drink bottles - is a good start. The activity Cap-turing Mathematics is built around them and they are useful as objects in several other activities.
- The activity Tricubes begins with a learner and a grown up working together in the workshop or garage making some simple equipment. The equipment will also be used in other activities.
Learning from this site may not be the way you learnt.
Our focus is learning to work like a mathematician.
Click to view a 2min 15sec introductory video.
- Print Working Mathematically (1 page).
- Share it with your children.
- When helping your children, encourage them to ask:
What might a mathematician do now?
- When you have the time, read the partner article to the video.
- Perhaps you are already familiar with Mathematics Centre.
- Perhaps you have already included some of our resources in the Maths at Home work you have been planning.
- We're trying to save you some time by pulling parts of the site together to create little units of work you could reference in your home/school packs.
- Up to you, but if you do use the site, please register your email so we know the site has value.
- At the moment we are hearing, We are all in this together, quite a bit. We're just trying to help.
We ask all families and teachers who use
the site to register an email address.